Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ice Storm

This weekend winter started with a bang in Ontario. While it varied what kind of weather you got depending on what part of the province you are in, generally it was not very fun- ice, snow, and generally horrible driving conditions.

In Mississauga we got ice. Fortunately our power only blipped but throughout the GTA a lot of people are potentially looking at a cold few days. No power for Christmas- that’s so much worse than a lump of coal.

So ice covered everything today. The bush in front of our house was blocking the way out of the door....


It was coated in ice...


And eventually we had to hack back a large section of it, otherwise getting out tomorrow morning would have involved hugging the brick wall.

All of the neighbourhood trees were coating in ice and when the wind kicked up it’s rather loud...



Fortunately most of the trees around me are still upright, although my neighbour had a few large limbs snap off of a tree in his backyard.
The rosebush is covered in ice and looks like a floppy mess...


The cars were coated in ice. There were even small bits of branches frozen to the hood of the Civic...

Everything is covered in ice! Ugh. Ice storms are like the worse impulse purchase you’ve ever made- you think it’s pretty for about ten minutes and then you realize that nothing good will ever come from it. Getting to work tomorrow should be fun... gah!