Friday, May 6, 2011

The Royal Wedding

My last full day in London was spent celebrating the Royal Wedding in Hyde Park. My partners-in-crime for the day were Jenn and her roommate Krystal. I wanted to go to Hyde Park for a number of reasons. It`s one of my favourite places in London, they had giant screens set up to watch the wedding, and it`s close enough to the action to say ‘I was there’ without standing in a crowd where everyone is stepping on your toes.  So we brought a picnic Canadian-style... in backpacks, set out a few blankets, and enjoyed the party. We also had hats (fascinators, to be exact)  although for some reason I don’t have any photos of us. But here's the crowd that was around us.

And what a party it was. Everyone was waving flags, drinking in the morning as only the British can, and generally enjoying themselves. Other than for the bride and groom, the loudest cheers were for the Queen in her stunning yellow outfit. We had a good view of the screens, as you can see.

And the crowd made it very apparent that we all approved of Kate`s dress. I could probably spend an entire posting talking about that dress. One of the best royal wedding dresses and the comparisons to Grace Kelly were deserved. Once the wedding finished confetti cannons went off in the park. It made everything festive- although it did get everywhere (I’m sure there still is some in my purse).

My favourite moment was during the balcony ceremony at Buckingham Palace. There was a squadron fly-over that included a Lancaster Bomber. After the planes went over the palace they turned and went over Hyde Park. This is what it looks like to have a WWII bomber fly over your head.

So I can say ‘I was there’.

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