Friday, October 14, 2011

Blog Revived!

So the blog never really died, it just went on an extended vacation and got a new name. I spent the summer back home in Mississauga unemployed, staying at my parent's places (let's be honest- with all my apartment stuff in storage and my habit of only living in places for a short period of time Mississauga is still home).

While it would have been good to have made some money it was nice to have the summer off- last year I was in school and the few summers before that I spent most of my time working a crappy souless jobs umm.... working a retail job to pay for school. So it was nice to enjoy the weather. After my winter in England the sun was a wonderful relief.

One of things I normally don't get to do in the summer is gardening. I got to plant things in pots and stuck around long enough to actually see them grow. The cherry tomatoes grew all over the place, although one bush did manage to produce the odd 'Anderson' tomato. In my palm is a regular-sized cherry tomato and between my thumb and finger is the Anderson tomato from the same plant.

The name comes from the carrots that my Nannie Anderson managed to grow one year- while the green tops growing out of the ground were huge, the resulting carrot was about three quartres of an inch long and an eigth of an inch wide. It smelled and tasted like a carrot, but it was just really small. Hence, my delight at the Anderson tomatoes.

I did all kinds of other stuff too, but I think what I really need to do is tell you about my adventures in Halifax instead. More on that soon.

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