Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I got so focused on my ranting that I forget to talk about my Christmas in my post, or really anything I've done in the past month.

I have been working. A lot. With some odd hours and doing a lot of tedious work, so it when I get home I have no brain left to blog. Or only have enough brain power left to get me to the laundry-mat or the grocery store. The banner project finally has a firm deadline- the first week in February. So I only have a few weeks left in Halifax before I head back to Mississauga. Which means that the next few weeks will be filled with.... yet more tedious work. But I will try harder to keep you updated and find more things to blog about.

While I didn't do anything spectacular while I was home, I had a good time. I got to visit lots of friends and family. The first thing I did when I got back to Mississauga was hug my Dad's car. I think I missed it more than my sewing machine (and that's saying a lot). My first full day back I went and got a haircut. My hair stylist is located near Port Credit Harbour which is where the Credit River meets Lake Ontario. It was beautiful and crisp, although the water wasn't frozen over:

And then I went to Square One. Yep, I went into one of Canada's biggest malls right before Christmas. A mall I have worked in during the holidays. And swore I would never enter during that busy season ever again. I must be certifiably insane. Or love my Mom that much (but I left as soon as I had her present before I got overwhelmed).

I also did some holiday knitting. My cousin Sarah has an adorable daughter Lilly. This kid steals my heart because she loves colours and likes to 'help' me knit. So when I saw a ball of rainbow-coloured yarn I knew I had to make something for Lilly. One ball of yarn created this mitt and scarf combo:

Three mitts? Yep. It's a known fact that snowbanks have magnets in them that attract little-kid mitts. That's why they lose them so easily. So I knitted a spare, so when one gets lost she still has a pair. I didn't get to see Sarah and Lilly this Christmas, but I have been assured that the present went over well.

I wish I had lots of photos to share, but the truth is I spent so much time talking and visiting and cooking and cleaning and doing laundry that I kind of forgot to take them. I will make up for it by making a effort to show you Mississauga once I get back home. I'm going to avoid having the blog go dormant like it did last summer.

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