Friday, January 27, 2012

The Yarn Store!

Well, don't act surprised. Me blogging about my favourite yarn store in Halifax was bound to happen. But I also saw some interesting urban art on my way to the yarn store yesterday.

I think this may be my new favourite utility box:

And if that wasn't enough, just down the street on the side of the store 'Bikes by Dave' was this:

Here's a detail shot. It is individual posters, large and small, all collaged together. Even if you don't agree with the point it's trying to make, you have to admit they are interesting knock-offs of vintage advertising:

So, the yarn store or LYS (local yarn store in knitter nerd-speak). L.K. Yarns is located on 5545 Young St. and it has a wide variety of yarns to suit whatever yarn craving you have. It also has a window full of sheep and alpaca in full frolic:

Yes, I said frolic. I wish I had a better photo but that would have involved me standing in the street. And I've had enough to do this week, so I didn't feel like adding 'being hit by a car' to my dayplanner.

The reason of my trip? Fleece Artist. It is a wonderful line of hand dyed yarns and fibres from Nova Scotia. So, it really was not possible for me to be in Nova Scotia for a few months and leave without buying any Fleece Artist (or at least that's what we'll tell my father when he finds out I bought more yarn). And now, I have some:

Aren't the colours pretty? I also fell in love with this sock yarn from Dye-Version:

Yarn hand dyed in Mississauga. Yep, I managed to find yarn from my hometown that I didn't know existed until I laid eyes in Nova Scotia. Which means that I can go buy some more once I fly home.... hmm. Maybe I do have a yarn hoarding problem after all. I guess I better stop blogging and spend the rest of my night knitting!

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