Sunday, May 19, 2013

You Can't Do That

Let's try this again.

I know I'm prone to blog relapses, with long spans of inactivity. Let's see how long this stretch lasts.

This weekend I'm over the border in the area of Buffalo, NY. Last time I was here I noticed something interesting...

Generally, when you ask the average person for differences between Canadians and Americans, one of the answers you will get is Canadian are more polite. No one can really prove if that's true, but one thing I can tell you is Canadian signs are nicer then the signage I see here.

In a parking lot back home, you might see a sign that says something 'Parking Only for Patrons' or '3 Hour Parking Limit'. Here:

I saw this sign in a grocery store parking lot. I'm afraid to blink too much for fear of retribution:

And evidently teenagers are running wild and crazy in the malls. Walden Galleria has the following rules and don't you dare try to slip them a fake i.d. They have that covered:

Finally, my hotel has made sure to clearly label anything just in case you use it in an inappropriate way. This is in the pool:

Although yesterday I say a kid drag a ball from the workout room into the pool. I'm sure that's not allowed, perhaps it needs a sign?

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