Saturday, February 19, 2011

Canada Makes the News and Something Amazing at the Grocery Store

This appeared in the Comment (Editorial) section of London Evening Standard yesterday and I thought it was worth sharing. It is written by a man named Sebastian Shakespeare (if I was anywhere other than Britain, I would assume that's not his real name):

"Canada, your time has come

I used to think the only good thing to come out of Canda was my sister-in-law, a former speed skating chamption, and Leonard Cohen. And what a dour fellow he is. But it is undergoing a miraculous transformation. Witness the fuss this week at the Brits [the British Music Awards] surrounding Canada's latest musical export, Justin Bieber, which was followed by the news that Prince William and Kate are to make their first official trip as a married couple to Canada. I can't image the Aussies will be pleased. First they lose the Ashes, now they are relegated to second-tier status in the Commonwealth. How mortifying is that?

At last Canada, so long the Commonwealth underdog, has come of age. It also seems to be the only country in the world that hasn't been insulted by Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson. Is that because he knows they won't get the joke?"


Speaking of Top Gear, I found this at the grocery store (I saw it two trips ago, but it was too busy to take a picture without having to explain to a dozen people what I was doing).

It's located next to the Disney cakes and right above the 'Stars of Chelsea Football' cake, if you're looking for it the next time you visit your local supermarket.

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