Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week Four

This week was spent continuing the Bed Clean. This week we focused on King William III's state bed and spent most of the week working on it. We also looked at the furniture in the lower level of William's wing. I was glad to participate in it, but it was hard work. By the time I got home Friday night, I was an exhausted mess (I just curled up on my chair with my knitting, a cup of tea, and re-watched two episodes of Mad Men. The idea of even drawing a bath was too hard).

We had a rare sunny day on Thursday and I went for a walk in the gardens during my lunch. I still can't get over the view.

I've only explored a small section of the grounds; I haven't even found the maze yet. But I keep getting distracted.

I also ran into a flock of Canada geese. It was funny to run into them so far away from home.

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