Thursday, March 24, 2011

So Much For Planning

Last weekend Jenn and I planned for a visit to the Natural History Museum. It was highly recommended to us as one museum we had to see in London. And we visited it... sort of.
We saw the dinosaurs and the mammals exhibits. We were not particularly impressed. The displays looked dated and very dusty (the mammals in particular). One bit we did enjoy was the moving diorama that showed how a camel does fine in heat, while a man dies (complete with fake beads of sweat). Then we went to look for lunch, looking at a few more galleries on the way (geology was surprisingly interesting). We thought we’d go outside for some food and then would come back to look at more of the museum.
Except we never went back.
It was a beautiful, sunny day and there was no wind. These kinds of days are very rare in England and spending it inside seemed like a waste. So we went for a wander. We found some buildings near Albert Hall that we think we should live in.

And no judging the photos in this post- all of them were taken with my (now old) camera with a broken screen, so I couldn’t see what I was snapping.
We had lunch in the cafeteria of Whole Foods, which I highly recommend. Then we went for a wander in Hyde Park, which I have decided that I will pack up with me in my suitcase and take back to Canada. It’s such a diverse park; if you find that one area has too many people/ birds/ children for your liking, you just walk ten minutes and it feels like you’re in another park. In one section, there were lots of people on skateboards and rollerblades doing tricks and proving how terrifyingly fast they could go.
The park was so nice that I went back on Sunday and took some photos (again, without being able to see what I was shooting).

This coming Saturday, Hyde Park will be one of the areas that mass demonstrations are taking place. The British Government released their budget this week and I'm sure this will be the first of many protests that will take place because of it.

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