Monday, March 7, 2011

Sunday's Walk Part One

As previously mentioned, I went for an epic walk on Sunday around London and saw a number of tourist attractions. First stop was Buckingham Palace, in order to buy something at the gift shop to add to my Mom's Royalty collections (hint: it's a textile- that way it won't get broken on the plane ride back). I didn't take any photos of the palace itself because all you would see is the gate with lots of tourists standing in front of it. Instead, I had a stroll around the palace. It looks like this.

There are also some interesting buildings on the streets near the palace.

I continued my stroll into St. Jame's Park and admired the view from the bridge in the middle of it.

Generally I enjoyed the park. The Mall, a major road that runs through the park, is closed to traffic on Sundays so it's a good time to go for a walk. However there are many, many birds in St. Jame's Park and all of them think you are about to feed them. There were a few tourists trying to get pigeons or squirrels to eat out of their hands (while I like squirrels, I don't get the appeal of doing that at all).

More tomorrow...

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