Friday, March 11, 2011

Sunday's Walk Part Three

This has to be one of my favourite monuments in London that I've seen so far(which has nothing to do with the fact it has clothes on it).

It's somewhere between the Parliment Buildings and Trafalgar Square. I'm not being vague- the road changes name three times between those two spots an I'm not sure exactly where I was.

Once I got to Trafalgar Square I sat down on the steps of St. Martin-in-the-Field church and pretended to be cultured enough to appreciate the Russian music festival going on in the square.

And as I sat there, a spontaneous dance party broke out!

I swear I am not making this up. A group of yellow-clad dancers swarmed the church steps and proved that you can dance anywhere.

It would have been much cooler if they had music. Some of them had headphones and mp3 players so they individually had something to dance to. Sadly, the sight of a bunch of people dancing to music you can't hear or pretending to dance with no music at all is a little odd.  

After that I walked to Waterloo Bridge and then went home. Which, I feel, makes for an epic day.

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