Friday, November 18, 2011

Farmer's Market

Last Saturday I took the opportunity of a day off to go to the Halifax Market. It’s open most days but on Saturday there are the most vendors selling yummy food, handcrafted things, and local produce. It’s located in this building by the harbour (which is how I ended up looking at the seagulls that I posted yesterday).

I had a lovely wrap for lunch (which was too delicious to stop eating and take a photo of) and was full enough to resist all the yummy baked goods I kept seeing. I did buy some yarn from the Lismore Sheep Farm located in River John, NS. Good thing the stall from the alpaca farm was only selling knitting things and no yarn because I would have easily have bought the equivalent of a few animals without trying. I also did some Christmas shopping. However, the most interesting thing I saw (and bought) was this:

Hand-carved oak buttons! How great are they? Now I just need to knit a sweater so I have something to sew them onto. And since all this talk of yarn is going to have my Dad freaking out (since my yarn stash currently lives at my parent’s house)... look, a brewery!

Garrison Brewery is located in the Farmer’s Market complex. They make a variety of beers year-round along with some seasonal favourites. They just released their Winter Warmer Strong Ale.

I enjoyed it, even though it’s not the kind of beer I typically drink. It has some seasonal spices in it but the taste is balanced, so they don’t overwhelm the beer. And they were selling nice openers too, so I just had to buy one. I look forward to sampling something else from Garrison soon.

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