Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pretty By The Water

So I was rather pleased with myself that I 'caught up' on my blog posts during my long weekend, forgetting that three days off meant that I would do things that would require more blogging! So, big surprise, I am playing catch-up again. Here's a post of mainly photos to make it appear that I am sort-of up to date (even if I'm not).

I was walking down by the harbour (for reasons that I will post about later) and saw a huge flock of seagulls playing. They looked pretty against the lovely blue water, so I took some pictures.

I have come to the conclusion that I like seagulls much more in their natural habitat, being in or near water, than the ones I see back home. And by that I mean birds really much nicer when they're not in garbage cans, eating squashed lunches dropped in school yards, or picking at roadkill which are generally activities that I associate with seagulls.

On that lovely mental picture, here's some photos of the Northwest Arm that I took on a walk Sunday.

I was really enjoying taking snaps of this group of ducks, except for one small thing...

The duck on the right insisted on cleaning his tailfeathers every time I took a photo, then stopped doing it when I put the camera back in my purse... and then started the second I took it back out again. Bah!

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