Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Proper Snows

When I woke up this morning, there was no snow on the ground but that did not last very long. Today, Halifax received its first proper snow fall of the season. By four in the afternoon, my neighbourhood looked like this:

The plow had some issues, as you may be able to tell, due to all the parked cars on the street.

The tiny specks in the middle of the road are a mom trying ever so hard to keep her toddler (dressed in a green one-piece snow suit) walking in a forward direction. He seemed rather interested in playing in the small piles of snow in the road instead.

As I write this just after 8 pm, the snow had ended and we're being treated to a lovely mixture of rain and ice pellets, so my walk to the bus stop tomorrow should be very slushy. Eww.

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