Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Edinburgh Castle

I enjoyed my visit to Edinburgh Castle.

It's a good mix of history and scenic views. My guide was Colin and he was fantastic for three reasons. He knew what he was talking about, he was very funny, and he looked good in a windbreaker and a kilt.

That's not easy to do.

The sky was clear when I walked up to the castle. It started raining during the tour, so I had to stand in the rain in the very long line to see the Scottish Crown Jewels (which are slightly disappointing, to be honest). I really enjoyed the Scottish National War Memorial. You can't take any photos inside it, so I don't have any pics of the beautiful stain glass (which is probably the most stunning depiction of a tank that I've ever seen). This is the outside of the building.

The Great Hall's ceiling was built by ship-makers and it shows.


The weather continued to spit for the rest of the day, but the fog did disappear after lunch so I could admire the view of the city from the castle.

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