Thursday, April 28, 2011

Holyrood Park

I visited the Palace of Holyroodhouse (see previous post) last Sunday morning and I had all kinds of plans about how I was going to spend the rest of the day. It involved buses and going down to the docks. But once I saw Holyrood Park, my plans went out the window. Seriously, what choice did I have? It's breathtaking.

So I went back to my hotel to change into jeans and running shoes, got some lunch, and came back to the park. I stood at the bottom of the hill, which Wikipedia tells me is called Arthur's Seat. From the bottom it looks like this.

I started climbing on of the lower trails. I was interested in the view but wanted to be able to feel my legs the next morning, so I stayed away from the rather vertical paths that went up to the top of the hill. From part way up you get a lovely view of the park, palace, and a little bit of the harbour.

And I kept on going. Edinburgh Castle looks like this from up there.

Once I got to the highest part of the path I sat on a rock to have a rest and do the only logical thing one does after climbing a big rock.

I knit.

Once I got around to the other side of the hill, I encountered this valley.

It was a beautiful way to spend an afternoon.

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