Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Edinburgh Weekend- The Train Ride Up

I thought the best way to celebrate the end of my internship (and finishing school) was to take a trip out of London for the weekend. There was no way I could live in the UK without going to Scotland, so I took a trip over Easter weekend to Edinburgh. I just wanted to get a feeling of the city- there was no way I could see all the main tourist attractions in a few days.

The train ride up was an adventure. Ask me about it when I get back and I'll give you the full story, but here's the abreviated version. I tried one train but most of the seats were reserved, so there wasn't anywhere for me to sit. I got on a second train and couldn't get a seat, so I sat on my suitcase for the trip (slightly under four and a half hours).

The train made a few stops on the way up to Scotland and the first stop was Peterborough. Somewhere between eight to ten military men (not in uniform) got on the train and crammed themselves in the same area I was. They got on the train with their huge packs and their (second) 12-pack of Strongbow. They took an interest in my knitting and then started asking me about Canada. Some of the questions made sense 'why do you have a leaf on your flag?', for example, others were kind of random, like 'what's kool-aid?' and 'America has baby ruth chocolate bars, why don't you?'. They were also asking about Ice Road Truckers- the show airs over here and everyone seems to watch it (very random). But their questions helped an hour pass by quickly. My trip also featured children throwing up in the train car (which is why I stood the whole way, even when seats started to open up). And lots of other things. But on to the part of the story with photos...

Standing next to the doors means you can take photos easily. And gawk at the scenery, which featured sheep! Lots of them.

The fog closed in once we got near the Scottish border. That should have been my indication that the weather forecasts of sun all weekend were lies.

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