Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Hallowe'en!

I hope everyone had a good time on my favourite holiday of the year. It was kind of an odd Hallowe'en for me for a number of reasons.

First, I had no costume to make myself. My sewing machine and fabric stash are in another province and even if I did have the foresight to make myself a costume in September (or August, or whenever) there was no room in my luggage. I had so little room (due to having to pack winter coat and boots) that I left my knitting needle roll behind! Going out and buying a pre-made costume is just not my style and I would have to somehow fit it in my suitcase when I flew back. I also typically wear a lab coat at work, so even if I was wearing a costume you would not see it. So, I compromised:

Hair accessories. Not as fabulous as a fascinator, but it served the purpose.

I can also say that I was the only person in the Nova Scotia Archives who was wearing anything Hallowe'en related. Most of the staff have Mondays off, and the few people who were there didn't dress up. Unless, of course, the two guys testing the emergency lights were only pretending to be electricians, in which case I am seriously impressed. There weren't a lot of people wearing anything Hallowe'en-ish in downtown Halifax either so there wasn't much to gawk at on my bus ride. By comparision, I highly recommend riding the subway in Toronto on Hallowe'en. You will be seriously entertained, even at two in the afternoon.

There was no pumpkin for me to carve either. Or, to be more precise, I didn't get to make my Dad clean out the guts of the pumpkin while I stood off to one side and made grossed-out faces, and then carve the pumpkin once the insides are cleaned out. So I went for a walk and took some photos of other people's pumpkins instead. This one gets the award for most angry:

This pumpkin lantern looked super creepy in the wind:

There were a few houses in the neighbourhood that had good decorations, but since Hallowe'en usually involves the dark it was hard to get any good photos of them. A lot of houses had a pumpkin or pumpkin lights out, but many houses didn't seem to be participating. My neighbours two over, however, made up for it with their display (which also had creepy music, but that obviously will not come across in a picture, so just hum your own creepy music while you look at it):

What impressed me so much? Oh, maybe it's what is that hanging from the mailbox?

Yes, that would be a plastic knife. On a mailbox. Flapping around in the wind. I'm not sure why I like it so much, but I do. Maybe because I've never seem anyone else do that before.

Happy Hallowe'en!

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