Sunday, October 23, 2011

News From Halifax

I had every intention of writing a few blog posts Friday night. I knew what I was going to write about, I had taken the appropriate photos, but then the internet sucked me in. There is no tv in the apartment I’m renting a room in, so anything I watch is via my laptop while I’m here. And I made the mistake of looking up videos for ‘The Car Show’ which completely enthralled me. On top of that, my landlady was out for the evening, so I could listen to The Car Show with the volume turned up and make all of the loud noises that I make when presented with fast cars without her thinking I was a lunatic. I’ve only known her for a week so she doesn’t know my particular brand of crazy, so one has to keep up appearances of being semi-normal (you, on the other hand, likely have know me for much longer than a week and know perfectly well what happens when I am presented with automobiles, so I don’t have to lie). I also had knitting. So it was a blissful, if unproductive, night.

So if you wanted more blog and would like to send your complaints somewhere, please direct them to whoever gave Adam Carolla his own car show (likely, someone at Speed tv). Saturday was filled with work, visiting a new knitting store (!), and a Leaf/ Habs game so yesterday was no good for blogging either.

The news from Halifax has been centred on two things. First being the weather- on Thursday it rained over 10cm! And it had been raining the day before, so everything was already soaked. That’s a lot of rain in 36 hours. The result was flooding, road/ highway closures, serious traffic delays, and some unfortunate hair on my part. I was particularly offended that it started to pour with rain when I got on a bus, so I was greeted a torrents of water when I got off. Not impressed! It also made it really humid- it was 20 C but 28 C with the humidity in October, which doesn’t seem right to me. But given that I live on a hill we didn’t float away, which is all that matters.

The other is that the major chunk of a federal shipbuilding contract was awarded to Halifax. And that’s a pretty big deal here. So big, in fact, that a group was set up to promote the bid on They have ads on the buses and I’ve seen a few houses with signs for the website. Here’s one that’s right near work (sorry it’s not closer, but given that I was taking a picture of someone’s front window didn’t want to be too close and look creepy).

It’s a refreshing change to see a community come together for a building project, rather than all the fighting/ threat of revoking contracts that seemed to be a cornerstone in the last Ontario election.

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