Sunday, October 23, 2011

Photos of the Harbour

I only work for five hours on Saturdays, so I've been spending the remainder of the afternoon exploring Halifax. My first stop was to the harbour. What else can I say except that it's a beautiful view (and that it was very windy when I took these photos).

This is Georges Island.

I couldn't get over the deep blue colour of the water.

And here's a bit of the boardwalk that runs along the shore.

The path is actually quite well marked and maintained. Not surprisingly, most of the shops are aimed at tourists. Some of them are in beautiful historic buildings, so even if you're not looking to buy a t-shirt you can admire the architecture instead.

And no visit to Halifax Harbour can be considered complete without a visit to Theodore Tugboat!

I would say that getting all excited about a cartoon tugboat made me feel like a kid, but none of the children around seemed too interested in him but lots of adults made sure to take pictures of him.

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