Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Public Gardens

Located next to my bus stop is Halifax's Public Gardens and since I have left work a little late the past few days (and have then had some time to kill before the next bus) I've done a bit of exploring. The park is also closed in the winter, so I thought I should cross it off my list of things to see sooner rather than later.

In it's current configuration, the Public Gardens were opened in 1867, although other versions existed in the early 1800's. In the middle is this bandstand, which hosts concerts in the summer.

Behind it is Griffin's pond, which is home to a number of ducks, seagulls, and a toy warship.

There are also a number of fountains. One of the more unusual is this one, which was created to honour those in the community who fought in the Boer War.

There are also a number of statues and other monuments along the paths. They are pretty, but I was really interested in this one to add to my photos of 'birds posing on statues'.

The park really is pretty, but I feel like it lacks the energy of the public parks I fell in love with in England. Maybe I'd like this one more in the summer.

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