Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Photo Worth Sharing

A short story...
I had the pleasure of being bumped up on my flight (thank you British Airways) and I am sitting in their fancy airport lounge. Next to me is my Uncle Frank. I was scrolling through my photos of Dani (my laptop, yes, she has a name). And as I was looking through my photos, I found this....
Meet Guinness, who is my Uncle’s dog.
I was house-sitting for my Aunt and Uncle for a week in April when I was at my lowest point with mono. I was truly feeling like death. Nothing was funny, except how one dog could possibly sprawl out to cover an entire sofa. It was the elegantly crossed front paws that really struck me (there are many words to describe Guinness and anyone who has met him will tell you ‘elegant’ is not one of them).
So I took a photo and completely forgot about until now.

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