Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Odds and Sods from Paris

Same idea as the previous post- all the little bits of fluff from Paris that didn’t quite make a complete post but is still a story.

If my dream job dropped out of the sky tomorrow, I would still be a textile conservator but I would specialize in displaying costume. So that means I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to mannequins. One night we went for a walk to check out where the Musée des Arts et Métiers was. So I almost fell over when I we walked by this...

And then when we got closer to the museum we found another with a fetching tree made from mannequin hands in the window...

And when we went back to the museum when its was open it turns out down the street was a third mannequin store..

I couldn’t believe my luck.

On my last full day in Paris was a day for shopping. In the afternoon we went to the flagship store of Gallerie Lafayette, the iconic French department store. The store was finished in 1912 and is a gem of Art Nouveau style.They’re currently doing some remodelling in the store, but the view of the famous stained glass dome was still spectacular...

Now that’s shopping in style. It erased the crazy crowds I had to fight through to get any shopping done.

I also saw the ultimate symbol of France’s commitment to smoking outside an antique store. Where else but Paris can you find a very pregnant lady smoking in public? (No photo for obvious reason)

I have one more post to put up but for now I’ll leave you with photos of brigdes from the river cruise I went on the Seine...


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