Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Not-So-Grand Summary

I’m not very good at coming up with grand summaries of epic vacation experiences. I can maybe explain why one or two things were really good, but I have issues with overall generalizations of a two week experience. But I can give it a shot now that my body knows what time it is- I had killer jet lag when I came back.

Last time I went on a proper vacation was five years ago. I’ve gone on some adventures for my career since then but it’s not exactly the same. For one thing, going on a trip with other people that you know (like my family) means I can have photos of me in front of historical things like this...

I didn’t get up the Eiffel Tower, but that will have to wait for next time. I also want to go back and see Jim Morrison’s grave. We did get to the very large (and very confusing) cemetery where he is buried but showed up way too late to find Jim. However what I did get to see was beautiful...

Paris is such as diverse place I could spend weeks and only see a fraction of what I wanted to. What I particularly like about Paris is the atmosphere- everyone is always out and about that creates a great energy that soaks into you. The weather was also hot but not humid the week I was there which helps draw people out onto the streets. I also saw the coolest things when I was going somewhere else and happened to see it down a side road. For example while taking a photo of this subway station...

I found the Sunday (pet) bird market- sadly I couldn’t bring one home on my carry-on.

The economic downturn is pretty visible in Paris and the poverty of entire families sleeping out on the streets was pretty shocking. I’m not used to seeing small children and babies curling up on blankets for the night with their parents a block away from the apartment.

Holland was similar but different- it was a great vibe but the weather was rather cold all week. The Dutch are very friendly and I didn’t feel awkward surrounded by a language I have no hope of ever learning (now that I think about it I didn’t experience much of that frigid behaviour the French are known for). I could also spend a few more weeks in Amsterdam. There were lots of other museums I want to go back and see, along with the Heineken Experience which is a museum in the old brewery.

And as I have previously posted, I am in love with the architecture of the city, even the more modern facades that take their inspiration from other European styles...


I’m not sure what the next adventure will bring, but I know two things... I will take a boat-load of photos and there will be a blog. I’m also going to try (even harder than all the other times I have written this) to occasionally post things on here when I’m at home, either things I see in Toronto or little slices of the projects I am involved with at work. Stay tuned!

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