Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Post for Fahad

My boyfriend is a very particular person. He tends to stick to the things he likes and not stray far from that. And he dates me... silly, silly man. We are a perfect example of opposites attracting. So it’s going to take a lot of convincing on my part to ever get him to go on a vacation like the one I am currently on. So on that note...

Today I went to Fahad’s favourite restaurant...

McDonald’s. They happen to be one of my Mom’s clients, so she likes to scope out the variations that they have in foreign countries. I was pleased I could get a decent side salad (I can’t eat fries) and my burger was actually quite good.

In the Art Nouveau section of Les Arts Décoratifs, there is a display of glass vases with motifs inspired by nature....

 The bat is from 1905 and the snake vase from 1900. So I found (non-taxidermy) examples of animals in a museum that are weird enough for Fahad to love (basically, if it’s odd and could potentially eat you, my boyfriend thinks it’s a wonderful pet. I would like a dog).

My favourite thing that reminded me of my dearly beloved back home has to be this piece in an Egyptian gallery of the Louvre. It’s a detail from a Book of the Dead and I had two thought when I saw it ‘ooh, that’s so creepy it’s kind of cute’...

And ‘I’m so happy it doesn’t exist, because Fahad would want it as a pet’.

Love you babe. See you soon!

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