Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Musée d’Orsay

This post is going to be a lot shorter than most because I can follow the rules in a museum. You know- rules like no smoking, no eating, or no touching the objects in the galleries (and no licking, you really can’t do that to historic objects). Musée d’Orsay has another rule- no photography of any kind. So I don’t have any pics to share with you inside this beautiful museum, which has been converted from a train station but has retained most of its architectural details. See the outside for yourself...

Musée d’Orsay houses works from the 19th and early 20th century. It contains a lot of very famous and important works of art, particularly for Impressionist painters. A visit to many of the galleries is like walking through an art history textbook. Paintings like this...

Or this crazy famous piece that turned the art world on its head when it was first exhibited...

And this sculpture too...

I also found some pieces that I had never seen before that blew me away. This is one example...

Also breathtaking is the view from the 5th floor, which looks out on the Seine...
So, generally a day full of pretty. I also bought a book on a textile show written in French. I’m pretty sure that decision is going to haunt me for years to come every time I try to read it. Oh well.

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